
Rafferty’s Potato Soup Recipe

Rafferty's Potato Soup recipe

Rafferty’s Potato Soup recipe is a hearty and delicious comfort food that warms the soul with every spoonful. This creamy and flavorful dish is perfect for chilly days or whenever you crave a comforting bowl of goodness. With a combination of potatoes, cream cheese, and a medley of savory ingredients, this soup is sure to become a household favorite. Let’s dive into the ingredients and instructions to create this culinary masterpiece.


Ingredients of Rafferty’s Potato Soup Recipe:

  • 10-12 medium Potatoes, roughly peeled and cubed
  • 1 large Onion, finely chopped
  • 1½ cups Milk
  • 8 oz Cream Cheese, cubed
  • ½ stick Butter
  • 1 can of Cream of Mushroom soup
  • 1 can of Celery Soup
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Shredded cheddar, bacon bits, and chives for topping


  1. Begin by placing your peeled and cubed potatoes and finely chopped onion in a large saucepan. Cover them with enough water to submerge, and then set the pan over medium heat. Allow the potatoes and onions to simmer until they become tender.
  2. Once the potatoes and onions are tender, strain them to remove any excess water. You want to keep the goodness of the ingredients without the added liquid.
  3. Add the milk and cubed cream cheese to the potato and onion mixture. Stir continuously until the cream cheese completely melts, creating a lusciously creamy base for your soup.
  4. Now, it’s time to introduce even more flavor to your soup. Add the cream of mushroom soup, celery soup, butter, and a touch of garlic powder. These ingredients will enhance the taste and add depth to the soup.
  5. Season your potato soup with salt and pepper to your preferred taste. Remember to start with a little and adjust as needed.
  6. For the finishing touch, top each serving with shredded cheddar cheese, crispy bacon bits, and freshly chopped chives. These toppings not only add texture but also a burst of flavor that elevates the dish.

Rafferty’s Potato Soup recipe is a comforting classic that brings warmth and satisfaction to any meal. With its creamy potato base and a medley of flavorful ingredients, this recipe is a surefire way to please your taste buds. Whether you’re serving it on a chilly evening or as a comforting meal, this potato soup will undoubtedly become a household favorite. Enjoy!

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