
INDIAN BREAD Made Without Yeast

Delicious INDIAN BREAD Made Without Yeast and Cooked in a Sizzling Sarten 😋


  • 500 grams of fine flour
  • 1 and 1/4 cups of lukewarm water
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of oil


1) Begin by combining the flour, salt, and oil in a bowl, ensuring they are thoroughly mixed. Once the dough is well incorporated, gradually add water until it easily separates from the sides of the bowl.

  • Sprinkle some flour on a clean work surface, and knead the dough vigorously. The more attention and care you put into kneading, the more exceptional the final result will be.
  • Cover the dough and allow it to rest undisturbed for approximately thirty minutes. Once the resting period is complete, divide the dough into portions similar in size to an egg.
  • Dust the work surface with flour once more, and using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into paper-thin sheets. With oiled hands, gently place the dough onto a scorching hot frying pan.
  • As soon as you observe the dough forming bubbles, delicately flip it over to ensure even cooking on both sides.
  • And behold! You have successfully prepared a completely natural homemade bread, ready to be relished and savored!

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