pizza recipes

Frozen pizza dough recipe

Frozen pizza dough

Frozen pizza dough can be stored in any amount, whether it’s a full-sized pizza or individual smaller pizzas. The crucial step is to freeze the dough once it has completed its cold fermentation in the refrigerator and is prepared for use. Ensure to thaw the frozen dough in the refrigerator overnight before incorporating it into your pizza-making endeavors.

Ingredients of frozen pizza dough recipe :

Serving Size: 4 people

  • 1 batch of Pizza Dough (divided into 4 portions)
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil (for greasing the pan or Tupperware)

Instructions :

Preparation in Baking Pan:

  • Arrange pizza dough in a deep, oiled baking pan.
  • Allow room for expansion.
  • Cover with plastic wrap.
  • Conduct overnight cold fermentation in the refrigerator.

Freezing Process:

  • Transfer pan with dough to the freezer overnight.
  • Once frozen, move each dough piece to freezer zip or Foodsaver bags.
  • Store in the freezer for 3-4 months.

Tupperware Method:

  • Lightly oil Tupperware container bottom and sides.
  • Place pizza dough in containers.
  • Cover for overnight cold fermentation or post-cold fermentation.
  • Tightly seal lids for freezing up to 3 months.

Thawing Pizza Dough:

  • For Zip Bags:
    • Remove dough balls from freezer.
    • Place on a floured or semolina-lined baking pan.
    • Dust tops with flour.
    • Cover and thaw in the refrigerator overnight (8-12 hours).
  • For Tupperware Containers:
    • Place containers in the refrigerator overnight to defrost.

Using Pizza Dough:

  • Bring frozen dough to room temperature for 1 hour before baking.
  • Softens and relaxes the dough for easier stretching.
  • Shape according to preferred pizza dough recipe instructions.

Master the art of frozen pizza dough with ease. Whether using a baking pan or Tupperware, this method allows for convenient overnight cold fermentation and extended freezer storage. Thawing is simple, and the softened dough shapes effortlessly, ensuring a delicious homemade pizza experience whenever the craving strikes.


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