
Dates Pecans and Coffee Bliss Balls

Immerse yourself in the irresistible realm of Dates Pecans and Coffee Bliss Balls—a sublime treat that will uplift your spirits and replenish your energy levels during mid-morning or afternoon slumps. This heavenly fusion of natural sweetness from dates, delightful crunch from pecans, and aromatic allure of coffee will awaken your taste buds and leave you craving for more.


Prepare to embark on this delightful journey with the following ingredients:

  • 100g pitted dates
  • 150g pecans
  • 75g ground almonds (plus extra for rolling)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1 heaped tablespoon honey
  • 50ml diluted coffee

Begin by immersing the pitted dates in the comforting embrace of diluted coffee for approximately 30 minutes to an hour, allowing them to absorb the richness of flavors. Gently drain any excess liquid, ensuring not to squeeze the dates dry. Coarsely chop the dates into tantalizing morsels and set them aside.

In a food processor, add the pecans and pulse until finely ground, creating a luscious base. Introduce the ground almonds, honey, cocoa powder, vanilla essence, and chopped dates to the food processor, and blend until a smooth and velvety texture is achieved. The moisture content of your dates will influence the final consistency. If the mixture is too dry, add a touch more honey or coffee. Conversely, if it is too wet, incorporate additional ground almonds for balance.


Now, shape the mixture into small, enchanting balls, ensuring they are compact and uniform in size. Roll each bliss ball in the reserved ground almonds, generously coating them with a delicate layer of charm. Place the finished bliss balls in a plastic container and allow them to rest in the cool embrace of your refrigerator.

Whenever your senses yearn for a heavenly indulgence, reach for one of these Dates Pecans and Coffee Bliss Balls. Let their harmonious blend of flavors and nourishing ingredients awaken your palate and infuse you with renewed energy. Savor each exquisite bite and revel in the blissful delight they offer.

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