
Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers

Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers

Are you craving a delicious and spicy meal that packs a punch? Look no further than these mouthwatering Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers. This recipe takes the classic buffalo chicken flavor and combines it with the satisfying crunch of bell peppers, creating a dish that is both flavorful and nutritious. Whether you’re hosting a game night or simply looking for a flavorful dinner option, these stuffed peppers are sure to impress.

Filled with tender chunks of chicken, tangy buffalo sauce, and melty cheese, each bite is a flavor explosion. The peppers themselves add a refreshing and vibrant twist to the dish, while also providing essential vitamins and minerals. One bite and you’ll be hooked! Plus, these buffalo chicken stuffed peppers are easy to make, making them a perfect dish for busy weeknights.

So why wait? Get ready to satisfy your cravings with these Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers. It’s time to spice up your dinner routine and enjoy a recipe that delivers on both taste and nutrition.

What are Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers?

Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers are a delicious and flavorful dish that combines the flavors of buffalo chicken with the crunch of bell peppers. The dish typically consists of bell peppers that are stuffed with a mixture of cooked chicken, buffalo sauce, and cheese. The peppers are then baked until tender and the cheese is melted and bubbly. The result is a satisfying and spicy meal that is perfect for any occasion.

The history of Buffalo chicken

Buffalo chicken is a popular flavor combination that originated in Buffalo, New York. The story goes that the flavor was first created at the Anchor Bar in Buffalo in the 1960s. The owner of the bar, Teressa Bellissimo, created the dish by deep-frying chicken wings and then tossing them in a mixture of hot sauce and butter. The dish quickly became popular and spread throughout the United States and beyond. Today, buffalo chicken is a staple in many households and is enjoyed in a variety of forms, including wings, sandwiches, and, of course, stuffed peppers.

Health benefits of Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers

Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers not only taste delicious, but they also offer a range of health benefits. Bell peppers, the star of this dish, are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is important for immune health, as well as vitamin A, which supports eye health. Bell peppers are also low in calories and high in fiber, making them a great choice for weight management and digestive health.

Chicken, the main protein source in this dish, is a lean meat that is rich in protein. Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair, and it also helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied. Additionally, buffalo sauce, which is typically made with hot sauce and butter, contains capsaicin, a compound that has been shown to have various health benefits, including reducing inflammation and boosting metabolism.

Ingredients for Buffalo Chicken


To make this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 large bell peppers (any color)
  • 2 cups cooked chicken, shredded or diced
  • 1/2 cup buffalo sauce
  • 1 cup shredded cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, or a combination)
  • 1/4 cup diced celery
  • 1/4 cup diced red onion
  • 1/4 cup diced carrots
  • 1/4 cup ranch or blue cheese dressing (optional)
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

Step-by-step instructions for making Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers

  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Cut the tops off the bell peppers and remove the seeds and membranes.
  3. In a large bowl, combine the cooked chicken, buffalo sauce, shredded cheese, celery, red onion, carrots, ranch or blue cheese dressing (if using), salt, and pepper. Mix well to combine.
  4. Spoon the chicken mixture into the bell peppers, filling them until they are full.
  5. Place the stuffed peppers on a baking sheet and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the peppers are tender and the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  6. Remove the stuffed peppers from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes before serving.
  7. Serve the Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers with additional buffalo sauce and ranch or blue cheese dressing, if desired. Enjoy!

Tips for making the perfect Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers

  • Be sure to choose bell peppers that are firm and have a vibrant color. This will ensure that they hold their shape and provide a fresh and crisp texture.
  • If you prefer a spicier dish, you can add additional hot sauce or red pepper flakes to the chicken mixture.
  • Experiment with different types of cheese to find your favorite combination. Cheddar, mozzarella, and blue cheese all work well in this recipe.
  • If you’re short on time, you can use pre-cooked chicken, such as rotisserie chicken, to save time.
  • Leftover Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. They can be reheated in the oven or microwave.

Variations and substitutions for Buffalo Chicken Stuffed

  • Vegetarian option: To make a vegetarian version of this dish, you can substitute the chicken with cooked quinoa or lentils. You can also add additional vegetables, such as corn or black beans, for added texture and flavor.
  • Gluten-free option: Ensure that the buffalo sauce and ranch or blue cheese dressing you use are gluten-free. You can also use gluten-free breadcrumbs or omit them altogether.
  • Low-carb option: If you’re following a low-carb diet, you can omit the breadcrumbs and use a low-carb buffalo sauce and ranch or blue cheese dressing. You can also reduce the amount of cheese or use a low-fat cheese.

Serving suggestions and side dishes for Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers

Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers can be enjoyed on their own as a main dish or paired with a variety of side dishes. Here are some serving suggestions and side dishes that complement the flavors of this dish:

  • Serve the stuffed peppers with a side of creamy coleslaw or a fresh green salad for a refreshing and balanced meal.
  • Pair the stuffed peppers with a side of crispy oven-baked sweet potato fries or roasted vegetables for a satisfying and nourishing dinner.
  • For a complete game night experience, serve the stuffed peppers alongside other game day favorites, such as buffalo chicken dip, loaded potato skins, or jalapeno poppers.
  • If you’re looking to add some carbs to your meal, serve the stuffed peppers with a side of warm garlic bread or fluffy dinner rolls.

Conclusion and final thoughts

Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers are a delicious and flavorful dish that combines the classic buffalo chicken flavor with the satisfying crunch of bell peppers. This recipe is perfect for those who love spicy food and are looking for a nutritious and satisfying meal. Whether you’re hosting a game night or simply want to spice up your dinner routine, these stuffed peppers are sure to impress.

Not only do Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers taste great, but they also offer a range of health benefits. Bell peppers are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, while chicken provides a lean source of protein. The buffalo sauce adds a spicy kick and may even have some additional health benefits.

With simple ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions, this recipe is perfect for busy weeknights or lazy weekends. So why wait? Get ready to satisfy your cravings with these mouthwatering Buffalo Chicken Stuffed . Your taste buds will thank you!

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