Showing 39 Result(s)

classic cherry delight

Sure! Here’s a classic cherry delight recipe: Ingredients: Instructions: In summary, the classic cherry delight recipe is a delightful and easy-to-make dessert that combines a buttery graham cracker crust, a creamy and tangy cream cheese layer, and a sweet cherry pie filling. It is a crowd-pleasing treat that can be enjoyed on any occasion. With … Read more


custard pastries

Here’s a simple recipe for custard pastries: Ingredients: Instructions: These custard pastries are best enjoyed fresh. They can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, but the puff pastry may lose some of its crispness over time. Enjoy!


Magnum-style ice cream bars

Here’s a recipe for homemade Magnum-style ice cream bars: Ingredients: Instructions: Feel free to get creative with your Magnum ice cream bars by adding toppings such as crushed nuts, sprinkles, or cookie crumbs to the chocolate coating before it hardens. Enjoy your homemade Magnum-style ice cream bars!